Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Best of the Best: Week 4

I know, I know, today is actually week 5.  I'm a bit behind the times here.  I'm trying my best to catch up! Hopefully, that will happen in the relatively near future :)

Best food:

We had pretty good Mexican food in Albuquerque.  I say pretty good because in NEW MEXICO, it should be phenomenal.  It was good.  But not phenomenal.  The best part, of course, was the bread, sopapillas.  Again, fried dough. Yum!

Best view:

The Rockies in Colorado.  At one point, it was snowing! Needless to say, at the end of June, snow is a beautiful thing indeed.

Best accident:
The Valley of Fire was really cool.  It was interesting to read about the history of the landscape, and piece everything together visually.  It was hard to imagine the entire landscape covered with flowing lava!

Biggest culture shock:
When we drove through the desert, it was literally 109 degrees.  We stopped at Wal Mart (literally the only store around for about 60 miles), and there were people outside in pants.  If there was ever a time to be in shorts, 109 degree weather was it. I started wearing shorts when it was 65 out.
He's not wearing pants.

Best overall
Colorado.  Yes, I know we were there for four days, but it still counts as one destination, right?  We got to spend time with family we don't get to see as much as we would, which is always nice.  Plus, we went to an awesome concert and got to explore the city and the outdoors. Yay Colorado!

1 comment:

  1. yay colorado!! next time come when I am there and we can hang out :) xoxox
