Saturday, June 4, 2011

Charleston, Tybee Island, Savannah, and The Hostel in the Forest

WOW!  It's been a few days since I have had internet access, and it feels like we have seen and done so much!  Most of the last few days were spent camping, with the exception of last night, which we spent in a hostel.  I will try to do my best to recount everything for you.  So, here goes!


Charleston was one of the most colorful cities I have ever visited.  The buildings that line the streets are very old.  As you know, I have a thing for old, historic buildings, so I loved seeing the architecture there.  Charleston is also a shopper's paradise.  The main street is lined with enough shops and restaurants to keep even the most dedicated shoppers busy for a day or two.  Unfortunately, most of the stores are pretty expensive, some exorbitantly so.  Although it is always fun to window shop, the extreme heat made it a bit difficult.

The coolest part of the shopping experience was the marketplace.  The market runs the length of one of the streets and provides an indoor-outdoor shopping experience.  Numerous vendors set up shop and sell a variety of unique and handmade goods.

After a hot and sweaty day spent walking the streets, we walked down to the water for drinks and snacks.  It was really nice to get out of the heat and cool off for a bit.  There was a nice breeze coming off of the water, which was a lovely end to our day.

Tybee Island

Tybee Island was a lot like home.  It was a very laid-back beach-y atmosphere, complete with sea turtle signs and a lighthouse.  If you've ever been fortunate enough to spend a day on the beach, then you know that there really is nothing else like it.  Personally, I feel as though a day spent relaxing in the sun, swimming in the water, and strolling the beach for treasure is the definition of a perfect day.

While on Tybee, we were fortunate enough to see the abundant wildlife in action.  Around mid-day, there was a pod of dolphins swimming just off shore.  It was the first time I have seen dolphins this year, and the first time Eric has ever seen them, so it was exciting for both of us.  While sitting on the beach, we were able to watch the gulls and pelicans fish.  I have never seen so many pelicans before.  They must nest nearby.  While walking in the water, I found a hermit crab crawling along the bottom.  Up on the beach, we found a bunch of jellyfish and a horseshoe crab.
Tybee was like heaven.  A nice, relaxing day to prove that there really is nothing like a day at the beach.

Savannah was probably one of my favorite places we have seen.  Again, I am a sucker for old buildings, and Savannah's buildings come complete with cobblestone streets.  Top that off with the friendly folk and beautiful river, and I'm sold!
One of the most beautiful things about Savannah is the scenery.  Unlike many cities, the buildings add to the beauty of nature.  Brick buildings surrounded by trees sit atop cobblestone streets that look out to the Savannah River's glistening waters.  Occasionally, boats ride by, or stop to port.  I wish that we could have spent more time there, but we had a date with a very special hostel in the forest.

The Hostel
Last night, I slept in a tree house.  Need I say more?

The hostel in the forest is located in Brunswick, GA, and is one of the coolest concepts I have come across.   The hostel's main buildings are a network of wooden domes that are connected by a wooden boardwalk.  The boardwalk then branches off to a series of wooden tree houses that guests sleep in.  Although they are not air-conditioned, the atmosphere totally makes up for it.  A trail runs around the grounds and leads to the gardens, natural swimming pool, lake, through the forest, and back to the main buildings.  The atmosphere is really what makes this place so much fun.  It is like taking a step back in time.  The staff are very friendly, which quickly rubs off on the guests.  Everyone is like one big, welcoming family.  Dinner was an awesome vegetarian mean picked right out of the garden.  Before we ate, we spent time reflecting on our day, and sharing what we were thankful for.  All in all, an amazing experience.  We will definitely be back.
Oh, and did I mention I slept in a tree house?


  1. Hey Ash-
    We are so enjoying following your journey...brings my Eric and me back to our cross-country trip 18 (!) years ago.
    We'll be camping in Acadia National Park in Maine Sept. 1-4. Any chance you can join us?

  2. That's so funny! We were actually planning on being in Acadia around that time (provided we don't run out of money, haha). We would love to meet up with you guys!


    ps the hostel in Truth or Consequences is now a spa, go figure. Did you guys camp there?
