Thursday, June 16, 2011

Best of the Best: Week 3

Best food:
Beignets.  What could possibly be bad about deep-fried balls of dough covered in powdered sugar?

Best view:
The bottomless lakes were gorgeous.  The water was crystal clear and so blue! Plus, the blue water contrasted with the orange-red desert rocks perfectly.

Best accident:
The Alabama coast and our ferry-ride there.  I never realized how beautiful the shores of Alabama were.  It really opened my eyes to the beauty of the Gulf, and how much it needs protecting!  As naive as it sounds, I also never realized how many oil rigs there were out there.  When the BP oil spill occurred, I thought there were only a few other rigs out there.  There are literally hundreds.

Biggest culture shock:
New Orleans turned out to be something totally different--and better than what I had expected.  Prior to visiting, I didn't realize just how hard the city was hit by Katrina, and how little help they got.  They city is still rebuilding itself and recovering from six years ago! There were so many different kinds of people around, all living and working together in an awesome city.  It really felt like a light-spirited, happy place.  It was so, so different from the atmosphere in New York while still being totally awesome.

Best overall:
Again, New Orleans takes the cake (seriously, eat a beignet people).  It was the perfect blend of new and old, combined with great people, great architecture, and great food!

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