Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A few days in Florida

We were lucky enough to spend the past few days in sunny Florida.  While there, we were able to visit some friends and family.  Although it may not make for the most exciting blogging experience, it was a lot of fun!  It was also great to wind down and spend a few days in one place. It's just so difficult to do all this traveling, poor us ;-)
On our first day, we made it out of the hostel in the forest, and into Ormond Beach, Florida.  Our fabulous hosts, Sadye, Craig, and Jaden gave us a comfy bed to sleep in, and a tour of St. Augustine.  St. Augustine is a cute little town in Northern Florida that was founded in 1565.  For all of you history buffs out there, it is the oldest city in America.  There is also a really cool Spanish fort on the water that is definitely worth seeing.

There was an eccentric wedding going on outside.

The fort

Eric likes to take awful pictures of me.

We can't take a picture.

 Day two in Florida, we drove to Tampa to pick up Jaden, the awesomest kid ever.  Then, it was off to Granny's for a home-cooked meal.  Thanks again!

This is probably the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life.

 Today, we had to leave Sadye's so we could start making our way to New Orleans (tomorrow we will be there!).  On the way, we stopped at Ray Charles' childhood home.  It was neat to see where he came from; it is amazing that he came from so little, and made such an impact on the musical world!  It was not in the nicest neighborhood.  It reminded Eric and I of how fortunate we are!

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