Friday, July 1, 2011

Arches National Park

Last year, while student teaching, I developed the addicting habit of reading National Geographic and Discovery Science news articles over lunch.  One day, I happened upon an article about national dark parks (parks with no artificial light interference, so the stars are more visible).  I made a photo of an arch in Arches National Park my desktop, and the obsession began.
All year, I have been waiting to go to Arches, and last week, I finally got to do it!  It was one of the things I was most looking forward to, so getting there was a major accomplishment.  We spent three days in Arches, but could have spent much more.

Day 1

As per usual, we got in a bit (lot) later than we originally planned to.  It seems as though we always find diversions on the way to our travels.  But, I guess that is what makes road tripping cooler than flying.  Sure, a plane gets you there faster, but a car lets you see everything in between.  It was so hot out, and we needed to find a campsite, so we got in, found a site, and set up camp.  We found a nice spot by the Colorado River that offered some shade, and made some dinner before the sun set.  If all of this camping has taught us anything, it is that you must be ready to get in the tent after the sun goes down.  Otherwise, you won't be able to see anything, and the bugs will eat you alive.


Our game plan for touring Arches was as follows: do the longer hikes first and the shorter ones last.  For our first day, (a cool 103 degrees) we decided to take a primitive 1.6 mile hike that looped in with 3 miles of "non-primitive" trails.  We thought it would take us two hours.  It took five.  It was so hot, and so dry.  Plus the primitive trail was like walking on a hot sandy beach for a mile, followed by a climb up a cliff.  It was awful.  Note to self: no more "moderately difficult" trails in the "Devil's Garden".  The Devil's garden feels like it sounds.
We did, however, get to see some pretty cool arches. Next time, we definitely need to leave much earlier in the day.

It was nice and shady under the Arch.

Private Arch
I lay down while Eric climbs things.

Can you spot Eric?
Double O Arch.

Day 3

In terms of seeing lots of Arches, we covered some major ground on day 3.  In terms of taking lots of long hikes, not so much.  We learned our lessons on day 2.  Day 3, although equally desert-like, was much more enjoyable.  We got started much earlier, and got our longest hike (a 1.5 mile vertical hike to delicate arch, much more manageable) our of the way. Our final stop, at double arch, was our favorite place in the park.  We both said we wished we had discovered it first.  It is surrounded by other smaller arches, caves, and almost-arches.  Plus, there was plenty of shade to go around.


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