Sunday, July 3, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Wohooo!! I'm finally caught up...a week later, haha.  For all you fellow bloggers out there, you know how hard it is to catch up on a week away from the blog.  I usually spend about an hour a day blogging, so going without for 7+ days is like missing an entire day of vacation time.  Needless to say, I wanted to enjoy Vegas, so I apologize if you guys feel left out.  Sorry.
Anyway.  Seven days in Vegas.  First, thanks to my Granny for getting us this great room for the week!
We honestly didn't do too much while we were here.  This week was like a vacation from our vacation.  Seriously.  If you've ever spent weeks camping, you know how much of a luxury showering is.
Day 1
We got in at about 5:30 pm, and immediately took showers.  Believe me, we needed them.  After that, we made our way to one of Las Vegas's famous buffets.  Somehow, we didn't get there until 9:00.  We had to wait in line for 20 minutes, then wait for a table.  That part stunk.  The food (at planet hollywood) was pretty good.  I, for one, got four different desserts, and ate two bites of each one.  I would feel bad about wasting, but at 30 bucks each (considering we're both vegetarians) I didn't really care.  We walked around a bit, saw the water show at the Bellagio, (so cool) and hit the sack.

Day 2
I swore that I would not do anything but sit by the pool, but we were hungry.  Somehow, two hours and $100 at Whole Foods later, it was 3:00.  Ugh.  We did, however, make a really good dinner and sit by the pool till 7.  Oh, and most importantly we made yummy pina coladas :)

Day 3
I finally got my day of nothing!  We sat by the pool, ate, and slept.  The end.

Day 4
We got up early and went to the Hoover Dam, which is truly an engineering marvel.  The thing is absolutely enormous, and gives you a little bit of vertigo when you look down.  I was stupid enough to wear a billowy skirt, which blew up every time we went outside (beware strong winds).  I did, however, enjoy the museum, and venture outside for a few quick pictures.  We got back by early afternoon, and I was able to spend more time at the pool! Yay!

Day 5
Again, we were up early.  We drove all the way to the southern rim of the Grand Canyon.  In true Ashley and Eric form, we stopped off on a side trip to Rt. 66.  We got milkshakes and fries at a really cool little restaurant, then walked around for a bit.  The Grand Canyon was absolutely breathtaking.  Literally, it's a little scary. Personally, I loved the shuttle system, which eliminated long walks in the hot desert sun. We got home very late, then went straight to bed.

Day 6
We slept in pretty late, then headed down to the pool.  Big shocker, I know.  At night we saw Cirque de Soleil's "O" at the Bellagio.  The show was really amazing.  They do all sorts of acrobatics, mostly over, in, or on water.  There were a few moments when I (and most of the audience) gasped out loud at what was going on on stage.  Some of the things they do don't even seem possible, yet the exceptionally talented cast pulls it off without a hitch.  Thanks to my fabulous Mom Mom for getting us such awesome seats!

Day 7
Today was our last day.  We hung out by the pool this morning, and plan to go walk around tonight.  I'll be sure to share pictures later :)

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