Monday, May 23, 2011

Going, going, gone!

Yesterday, we left our apartment in Nyack for good.  It was a decidedly confusing experience. 
I don't know how many of you have had the opportunity to venture out and live in your own place, but your first apartment always holds a special place in your heart.  This year, Eric and I moved in together, and really took a big step in our lives.  Learning how to live together was probably the biggest challenge I've ever had.  Living with a boyfriend is totally different than living with a friend, roommate, or family member.  I grew so much in one tiny space, and made so many great memories, that it was very sad to leave it all behind.
However, leaving Nyack means that we are about to embark upon the trip of our lives (so far).  I cannot put into words how excited I am to get on the road and explore this country.  Throughout this year, and my life, I have spent so much time reading about our country: the land, the climate, and the people.  Seeing something and reading about something are two totally different experiences.  In my experience, I have to see something to really make a decision about it.  I am so grateful that I have the amazing opportunity to see the country around me and experience every land, every climate, and many people. 
Truth be told, I am a little scared that in a week or two, this entire trip will come crashing down around me and I will wake up from dream land.  Lets all just hope that doesn't happen, shall we?

Eric and I leave bright and obscenely early tomorrow morning for Assateague Island.  Until then, please enjoy some of my favorite photos from the past year, as well as a couple from our last day.

Our first day in the new apartment

The gorgeous view

Visiting the city to see In the Heights

At the Renaissance Faire

Apple picking

Halloween in Sleepy Hollow

On a hike

Christmas in NYC

Yummy lunch!

The first big snow storm

Making ravioli: yum!

Don't fall off the edge!

The Hudson River

The GW

My new favorite spot in Central Park

Grand Central at night

AMNH subway entrance

Moving out!

A whole year later!


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